AI for Tax Planning will Die Soon; Enter Quantum Computing— Exploring the Hype and Reality
3 min readFeb 4, 2024


The realm of tax planning has long been ruled by complex regulations, intricate calculations, and an ever-evolving landscape. Traditionally, human experts navigated this labyrinth, but the winds of technological change are blowing in a new direction. Artificial intelligence (AI) promised a revolution, its algorithms seemingly poised to unlock efficiencies and optimize strategies. However, whispers have begun to circulate: AI for tax planning is dead. Could its successor, the enigmatic quantum computer, be the true game-changer?

Before pronouncing AI’s demise, let’s examine its contributions. AI-powered tax software has streamlined tedious tasks like data entry and basic compliance checks. Machine learning algorithms have identified patterns and anomalies in vast datasets, aiding in fraud detection and risk management. In theory, AI could analyze diverse regulations and complex scenarios, formulating personalized tax strategies.

However, AI stumbles where the human mind thrives: understanding the nuances of human intent and interpreting the ever-shifting legal landscape. Tax law is riddled with ambiguities and subjectivity, leaving AI algorithms struggling to navigate the gray areas. Moreover, the vast computational power needed for truly comprehensive AI analysis remains out of reach for most tax professionals.

So, does this pave the way for quantum computing, the technology hailed as the next frontier of computational power? Quantum computers harness the principles of quantum mechanics, manipulating qubits (quantum bits) that can exist in multiple states simultaneously. This, in theory, grants them the ability to tackle problems considered intractable for classical computers, including large-scale optimization tasks.

The potential applications in tax planning are tantalizing. Imagine quantum algorithms analyzing millions of regulations, historical cases, and economic factors in real-time, formulating highly optimized tax strategies that consider even the most obscure legal interpretations. The potential for faster, more accurate, and personalized tax advice is undeniable.

However, before we crown quantum computing the savior of tax planning, a dose of reality is necessary. Quantum computers are still in their nascent stages. Building them is expensive, and accessing their power remains limited. While theoretical breakthroughs abound, translating them into practical applications for a complex field like tax law will take time.

Furthermore, the ethical implications of relying on opaque, black-box quantum algorithms to guide financial decisions need careful consideration. Transparency and explainability are crucial in tax planning, and blindly trusting complex algorithms without understanding their reasoning could be perilous.

So, is AI for tax planning truly dead? Not necessarily. Instead of a complete replacement, we may see a future where AI and quantum computing work in tandem. AI could play a role in data preparation, anomaly detection, and preliminary analysis, while quantum computing handles the heavy lifting of complex optimization tasks.

However, human expertise will remain crucial. Accountants and tax professionals will need to understand the capabilities and limitations of these technologies, interpret their outputs, and ensure ethical and legally sound application. The future of tax planning likely lies not in replacing human judgment, but in augmenting it with the power of advanced technologies.

Ultimately, the hype surrounding quantum computing in tax planning needs to be balanced with a realistic understanding of its current limitations and the inherent complexity of the legal and financial landscape. While the potential is undeniable, embracing a nuanced approach that leverages the strengths of both human expertise and emerging technologies will be key to navigating the future of tax planning.

R. Kenner French is a former small business contributor for, a three time author, and a Dave Matthews Band stalker who has been involved in AI since before 2014.

